Saturday, September 22, 2007

In The Beginning...

This is me...This is my son..any questions? Please feel free to click on the picture to experience it almost life-size..

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Top it!

After a sweet game of tether ball S.S. realized today was school pictures.

Pearls? Is that a doily dickie and is your hair that short or is it pulled back in a fishtail?

scrunchy well coordinated with shirt.The bangs really work. Maybe even the bands on her braces are orange? You all know you had different colors at one time or another..I preferred rainbow ones..

That's what friend's aren't for.

A challenge to you all...
Do you think you can top these treasured photos? We dare you..triple dog dare you. We are going to call our friend S.S. She is the brave soul who can now after years of teasing, braces,glasses, broken fingers (last picture), puffed sleeves, awful shoes and countless days of looking in the mirror and asking "why me?". Can hold her beautiful head up now and say...I was horrendous!! Really S.S. where was you mom?