Saturday, September 22, 2007

In The Beginning...

This is me...This is my son..any questions? Please feel free to click on the picture to experience it almost life-size..


Marie said...

Wow, all I can say is WOW! I have a niece who's hair is wild and curly so I can sympathize with all they moms who have to deal with crazy kid curls. My children look like that sometimes and they don't even have curly hair. I love it!

sheena said...

let's hope (and pray) that he doesn't get your 4 teeth.....

Sarah Hull said...

I almost can't take it. It's just too much! How in the world did that drooling crazy haired little girl turn into such a gorgeous super model??? How does that work? Miracles happen.

Kenny said...

How did that little baby get so big? We missed you at Harrison's party. Hopefully we'll see you the next time you're up here!
